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XML Invoice: Find out what it is and what it is for

August 18, 2020

If you have been following our series of contents on invoices, you must already be in the best position to know what NF is and its importance within companies. What we haven't told you yet is that since its electronic format was instituted, many new concepts have emerged. So, if you know what the xml invoice is, you already know what we are talking about. But if you don't know this concept yet, it's time to learn what is XML invoice. 

The electronic invoice (NF-e) is the digital version of the sales or service NF, and was created to make the issuance of the document less bureaucratic, more practical and faster. And the format chosen to make this modernity a reality was the XML format.

To explain to you what XML file is and how important it is for the issuance of NF, we made this brief guide with the main doubts that arise on the subject. Check it out!

  • What is XML of an invoice and what is it for?
  • What are the obligations about the XML file of NF-e? 
  • How to download the XML (NF-e or CT-e) in Sefaz National Portal?
  • How to store the XMLs of your NF-es? 
  • What is DANFe?
  • Where to learn more about Nota Fiscal?

What is XML of an Invoice and what is it for?

The first step to understanding the importance of XML Invoice is to understand what XML means. The XML (Extensible Markup Language) record is a markup language that allows you to create hierarchically organized documents. 

Thus, in invoices, XML language allows you to create a digital voucher with information about the product sold or service contracted. The format also facilitates the transfer and opening of the document. 

As it follows a national standard of fiscal bookkeeping, the XML invoice can be used throughout the country with security, thus ensuring greater reliability in issuing this document.

Check the information present in the XML invoice:

  • about the invoice: number, series and model, date of issue, exit or entry, and total amount;
  • about the issuer and recipient: company name, address, CNPJ, municipal and state registrations, of each one;
  • on the product or service: description of the items, quantity and value;
  • on the ICMS: calculation basis and value of each product, freight, insurance, PIS, IPI and Cofins;
  • on the transport: data of the vehicle, the carrier and volume transported;
  • additional information: according to the interests of the taxpayer.

What are the benefits of NF-e XML?

Since 2006, when it was implemented, the electronic invoice has brought several benefits both for companies and inspection agencies.

The XML file of NF-e was prepared to group information. The document is generated and stored electronically, which allows greater security and efficiency in operations.

For companies, it is also synonymous of cost reduction with printing, allowing the reallocation of resources for the improvement of processes and services.

Besides helping to make a better management of the financial department. Including accounts payable and cash flow. 

What are the obligations about the NF-e XML file? 

One point of attention is that the XML invoice must be issued against the buyer or contractor for each route generated. In addition, the document does not physically accompany the product, for which the NF must be issued in other formats, but the supplier must pay attention to the need to send it by e-mail to the customer. Or, inform that the document may be available for download in a specific area on the company's website.

It is worth remembering that it is not necessary to print the XML files of NF-es. This is a digital document that has legal validity in its electronic format, which is even more practical, because it can be sent at no cost to customers.

However, according to the legislation, it is mandatory to store it for 5 years, plus the current year. And it must be presented in case of inspection by the Federal Revenue.

As it can replace the physical invoice, in addition to being requested in a Federal Revenue Service inspection, as we said before, this document can also be used for product exchange.

How to download the XML (NF-e or CT-e) in the National Portal of Sefaz?

The XML file should be downloaded directly from the website of the Secretary of State for Finance (Scenes). It can be done by any person (natural or legal) who has authorization or link for such action.

To download the file, follow these steps:

  1. Install your digital certificate in your internet browser;
  2. Access the Sefaz National Portal;
  3. Click on Consult NF-e Complete;
  4. Enter the access key, the captcha code and click "Continue";
  5. After loading the page information, click on "Download Document*";
  6. The site will request the digital certificate that was previously installed in the browser:
  7. Select your certificate and click "OK";
  8. The Sefaz system will allow you to download the XML.

*If the following message appears "To download, you must have a customer certificate. Click Ok to start the download", and just continue clicking "OK".

How to store the XMLs of your NF-es? 

As we have explained before, according to Brazilian legislation, both the issuer and the recipient should keep the XML file of the invoice for a period of five years without counting the current year, about the risk of being penalized by the IRS.

Because it is a digital document, it does not need to be saved in its printed version. One way to store the XML invoice is to put the files in folders and save them in the corporate computer. 

However, even with constant backup the risk of choosing this form of storage is great. Because if the files are lost it will not be possible to recover them. 

A more appropriate alternative is to have the technology to store the tax documents correctly and more securely.

It is recommended that the company, mainly, store in a functional system that allows quick access, such as an ERP software, for example.

Store XML note in the cloud, besides ensuring more organization and security, offers agility in the process and greater fiscal control of the company. And the probability of loss is practically zero.

Why is it important to store the XML invoice?

Not storing the XML invoice properly can cause several serious problems and high fines, if the inspection requests the document and the company does not have it to present.

Moreover, in case of any dispute or accusation against the company, it is up to it to prove that it is right. And the tax document is one of the legal means she has to do that.

Therefore, be sure to properly store your company's tax accounting documentation for the time determined by law, and avoid future headaches.

What is DANFe?

To finalize this guide, we will explain what DANFe is.

Complementary to the XML invoice, the DANFe (Auxiliary Document of Electronic Invoice) is the statement that accompanies the goods. In other words, it is used for the transportation of products, being a simplified and printed version of the invoice.

Although they are different things, Nota Fiscal, DANFe, and the XML file are part of the same operation. And sometimes they are confused. But it is important to understand that DANFe is not the printed version of NF-e and both should be made available for each operation that involves transportation of goods.

Besides containing the transaction-related data, another function of DANFe is to load the access key, which is composed of a unique 44-digit code. This key gives access to the Electronic Invoice portal that it allows:

  • make a complete or summarized query to the fields of the e-NF;
  • verify the existence of correction letters;
  • download the XML file, as long as you have the digital certificate;

Remember that this document has no tax value, so it does not need to be stored as the XML invoice.

Where to learn more about Invoice?

Now that you have brought more information about the XML file, what it is and how important it is in issuing NF-e, take the opportunity to learn more about other types of invoices:


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Haver & Boecker Latinoamericana, a German giant with over a century of history and global operations on six continents, is an example of innovation and adaptation to the modern market. With more than 50 subsidiaries and an extensive network of representatives around the world, the search for operational and fiscal efficiency is relentless. Strategic partnership Our journey with Haver & Boecker was solidified when they chose us as their main IT partner. Focus IT embraced the challenge of providing support and sustaining the company's critical processes, using the powerful SAP ECC AMS to optimize its operations. Innovative projects Several projects were carried out to increase productivity, from decision-making tools to the financial consolidator for automating launches. Not to mention automatic commission management and integration with partner solutions. SAP ECC ROLLOUTs marked a new era in the opening of new branches and organizational restructuring, all conducted by our highly specialized team. State-of-the-art tools We invested in the best solutions to meet Haver & Boecker's needs. The implementation of e-PROCUREMENT Z7F4, the SMART FISCAL tax suite and the BALANCE FIT invoice INBOUND solution are testimony to our commitment to excellence. Integration and Expansion The project that makes our partnership stand out is the integration of processes in different SAP environments, uniting headquarters operations with subsidiaries in strategic locations such as Brazil, Canada and Germany. The result? Unprecedented operational synergy and a business model strengthened to face global challenges. Focus IT is proud to be at Haver & Boecker's side in this successful journey, reaffirming our commitment to innovation and operational excellence. Explore how partnering with Focus IT can take your company to new heights of efficiency and productivity. Contact us and transform your business.
Por Focus It 15 de março de 2024
A Haver & Boecker Latinoamericana, gigante alemã com mais de um século de história e atuação global em seis continentes, é um exemplo de inovação e adaptação ao mercado moderno. Com mais de 50 subsidiárias e uma rede extensa de representantes pelo mundo, a busca pela eficiência operacional e fiscal é incessante. Parceria Estratégica Nossa jornada com a Haver & Boecker se solidificou quando nos escolheram como principal parceiro de TI. A Focus IT abraçou o desafio de prover suporte e sustentação dos processos críticos da empresa, utilizando o poderoso AMS do SAP ECC para otimizar suas operações. Projetos Inovadores Diversos projetos foram executados para elevar a produtividade, desde ferramentas de tomada de decisão até o consolidador financeiro para automação de lançamentos. Isso sem falar na gestão automática de comissões e na integração com soluções de parceiros. Os ROLLOUTs do SAP ECC marcaram uma nova era na abertura de novas filiais e reestruturação organizacional, todos conduzidos pela nossa equipe altamente especializada. Ferramentas de Ponta Investimos nas melhores soluções para atender às necessidades da Haver & Boecker. A implementação do e-PROCUREMENT Z7F4, do suíte fiscal SMART FISCAL e da solução de INBOUND de notas fiscais BALANCE FIT são testemunhos do nosso compromisso com a excelência. Integração e Expansão O projeto que destaca nossa parceria é a integração dos processos nos ambientes SAP distintos, unindo operações da matriz com filiais em locais estratégicos como Brasil, Canadá e Alemanha. O resultado? Uma sinergia operacional sem precedentes e um modelo de negócios fortalecido para enfrentar os desafios globais. A Focus IT se orgulha de estar ao lado da Haver & Boecker nessa trajetória de sucesso, reafirmando nosso compromisso com a inovação e a excelência operacional. Explore como a parceria com a Focus IT pode levar sua empresa a novos patamares de eficiência e produtividade. Entre em contato conosco e transforme o seu negócio.
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In an increasingly competitive market, efficiency in supply chain management is key. Focus IT's Z7F4 Supplier Portal redefines the relationship with suppliers, leveraging unprecedented productivity and operational security with an e-procurement solution integrated with SAP ERP. Z7F4 streamlines and centralizes purchasing operations, contract management, and supplier qualification, offering features that transform how companies interact with their business partners. From automated follow-ups on orders to detailed analysis at every stage of the acquisition process, our solution ensures efficient and transparent management. The implementation of Z7F4 is swift and straightforward, allowing for a smooth transition to a system that supports strategic decisions and strengthens control over both emergency and routine purchasing processes. We are ready to assist you in exploring the capabilities of the Z7F4 Portal and tailoring them to your company's specific needs. Contact us for a detailed demonstration and discover how Focus IT can propel your supplier management towards unprecedented efficiency. #SupplierPortal #Z7F4 #FocusIT #SAP #OperationalEfficiency #SupplyChainManagement #TechnologicalInnovation
Por Focus It 21 de dezembro de 2023
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Por Focus It 21 de dezembro de 2023
No ambiente de negócios atual, marcado por uma rápida evolução e transformação digital, a integração entre diferentes áreas de uma empresa tornou-se mais crucial do que nunca. A necessidade de agilidade e eficiência tem levado muitas organizações a adotar plataformas de low-code para simplificar e acelerar este processo. Na Focus IT, entendemos o potencial transformador do low-code e estamos na vanguarda de sua implementação para criar sistemas integrados robustos. O Que É Low-Code? Low-code é uma abordagem de desenvolvimento de software que exige pouco a nenhum código para construir aplicações e processos. Ele utiliza interfaces visuais de arrastar e soltar com componentes de modelo para que os usuários criem aplicações de forma intuitiva e rápida, sem a necessidade de conhecimentos profundos de programação. Benefícios do Low-Code para Integração: Agilidade: Low-code permite que as empresas desenvolvam e implantem soluções rapidamente, respondendo de forma eficaz às mudanças do mercado e às necessidades internas. Colaboração Melhorada: Ao democratizar o desenvolvimento, o low-code incentiva a colaboração entre TI e outras áreas de negócio, resultando em soluções mais alinhadas com os objetivos da empresa. Redução de Custos: Diminui a dependência de recursos de desenvolvimento especializados, reduzindo assim os custos de desenvolvimento e manutenção. Flexibilidade: As soluções de low-code são altamente configuráveis e podem ser adaptadas rapidamente às mudanças nos processos empresariais. Low-Code na Prática: Na Focus IT, utilizamos plataformas de low-code para integrar sistemas de CRM, ERP e outras ferramentas de back-office, proporcionando uma visão unificada que otimiza o desempenho empresarial. Um exemplo recente foi a nossa solução personalizada para um cliente do setor financeiro, que permitiu uma integração fluida entre o atendimento ao cliente e as operações de back-end, resultando em uma experiência do usuário melhorada e uma gestão de dados mais eficiente.  Conclusão: A utilização de plataformas de low-code para integração entre as áreas de negócio é mais do que uma tendência; é uma estratégia inteligente para empresas que buscam inovar e manter a competitividade. Na Focus IT, estamos prontos para ajudá-lo a explorar como o low-code pode transformar a integração de sistemas na sua empresa. Entre em contato conosco e descubra o potencial completo do low-code para a sua organização.
Por Focus It 4 de dezembro de 2023
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Por Focus It 4 de dezembro de 2023
No dinâmico ambiente industrial de hoje, a automação de processos não é apenas um luxo, mas uma necessidade absoluta para as empresas que buscam eficiência operacional e uma vantagem competitiva sólida. Com a tecnologia SAP, líder global em soluções de gestão empresarial, a automação industrial não só é possível, mas também é altamente escalável e inteligente. A Necessidade de Automação Industrial: A automação transforma o chão de fábrica, aumentando a eficiência, diminuindo erros e custos e melhorando a segurança. Implementar sistemas de automação SAP pode trazer melhorias expressivas em termos de precisão e rapidez de produção. SAP: O Motor da Automação Industrial: O portfólio SAP oferece diversas ferramentas que integram-se perfeitamente com sistemas de controle existentes, proporcionando um ecossistema de manufatura avançado. Funcionalidades como monitoramento em tempo real e manutenção preditiva são apenas o começo do que o SAP pode oferecer para aprimorar o desempenho industrial. Aplicando o SAP na Automação Industrial: Manutenção Preditiva: Com o SAP Predictive Maintenance, as indústrias podem prevenir falhas antes que ocorram, reduzindo paradas e custos. Gestão de Produção: O SAP Manufacturing Execution oferece controle e visibilidade completos para o gerenciamento de recursos de produção. Controle de Qualidade e Conformidade: Através do SAP Quality Issue Management, é possível gerenciar a qualidade e garantir a conformidade e a rastreabilidade dos produtos. Conclusão: A adoção de sistemas de automação de processos industriais com SAP redefine a eficiência e abre novas possibilidades para a sua empresa. Na Focus IT, estamos preparados para mostrar como o SAP pode ser a base para sua estratégia de automação, mantendo sua empresa na liderança do mercado. Para descobrir como podemos levar seus processos industriais a um novo nível, entre em contato conosco. Por Otavio Ricciotti, Head of Product da Focus IT, refletindo nosso compromisso com a inovação e a excelência em soluções industriais.
Por Focus It 29 de novembro de 2023
Navigating the complexities of Brazil's tax system can be a daunting task for any business. With one of the world's most intricate tax structures, companies operating in the country need to stay ahead of the curve to ensure compliance and optimize tax processes. This is where SAP solutions, augmented by Focus IT’s expertise, come into play to relieve the 'fiscal pains' that many companies face. 1. Understanding 'Fiscal Pains' in SAP: 'Fiscal pains' are the challenges businesses encounter while trying to comply with ever-changing tax regulations. This includes the complexity of tax legislation, the need for accurate and timely reporting, and the efficient management of the tax workflow. Without the right system, companies can face significant penalties, inefficient processes, and the prospect of stressful tax audits. 2. How Focus IT Delivers Solutions: At Focus IT, we understand these difficulties and offer customized SAP solutions that simplify and strengthen your company’s tax process. Our solutions are designed to: Ensure ongoing compliance with Brazilian tax regulations. Automate processes, reducing manual workload and associated errors. Provide complete visibility and control over fiscal operations. Facilitate the generation and submission of tax reports and ancillary obligations. 3. The Focus IT Difference: Unlike other providers, Focus IT not only implements systems but also provides ongoing strategic partnership. Our team of experts is always up to date with the latest fiscal and technological changes, ensuring that your business is always ahead in the compliance game. Conclusion: With Focus IT, you have a reliable ally to overcome the pains of fiscal SAP. If your business is looking for not just a solution, but a partner to navigate Brazil’s complex tax environment, we are here to assist. Contact us and let our specialists turn your fiscal challenges into business success.
Por Focus It 29 de novembro de 2023
Navegar pelas complexidades fiscais do Brasil pode ser uma tarefa desafiadora para qualquer empresa. Com uma das estruturas tributárias mais complexas do mundo, as empresas que operam no país precisam estar sempre um passo a frente para garantir a conformidade e otimizar os processos fiscais. É aqui que as soluções SAP, complementadas pela expertise da Focus IT, entram em cena para aliviar as 'dores fiscais' que tantas empresas enfrentam. 1. Entendendo as Dores Fiscais no SAP: As dores fiscais são os desafios que as empresas encontram ao tentar se adequar às regulamentações fiscais em constante mudança. Isso inclui a complexidade da legislação tributária, a necessidade de relatórios precisos e tempestivos, e a administração eficiente do fluxo de trabalho fiscal. Sem o sistema certo, as empresas podem enfrentar penalidades significativas, processos ineficientes e a possibilidade de auditorias fiscais estressantes. 2. Como a Focus IT Oferece Soluções: Na Focus IT, entendemos essas dificuldades e oferecemos soluções personalizadas SAP que simplificam e fortalecem o processo fiscal das empresas. Nossas soluções são projetadas para: Garantir a conformidade contínua com as regulamentações fiscais brasileiras. Automatizar processos, reduzindo a carga de trabalho manual e os erros associados. Proporcionar visibilidade e controle completos sobre as operações fiscais. Facilitar a geração e o envio de relatórios fiscais e obrigações acessórias. 3. O Diferencial da Focus IT: Diferentemente de outros fornecedores, a Focus IT não apenas implementa sistemas, mas também proporciona uma parceria estratégica contínua. Nossa equipe de especialistas está sempre atualizada com as últimas mudanças fiscais e tecnológicas, garantindo que sua empresa esteja sempre a frente no jogo da conformidade fiscal. Conclusão: Com a Focus IT, você tem um aliado confiável para superar as dores do fiscal SAP. Se sua empresa está procurando não apenas uma solução, mas um parceiro para navegar pelo complexo ambiente fiscal do Brasil, estamos aqui para ajudar. Entre em contato conosco e deixe nossos especialistas transformarem seus desafios fiscais em sucesso empresarial.
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