The main change is the inclusion of C181 and C186 records in the layout:
Check out other changes published in the new Practical Guide:
In the coming months, PVA will be available for treatment of the new layout and validations.
In addition to the Practical Guide, the Federal Revenue Service also made available the Technical Note 2020.001 v 1.0.
It is important to emphasize that, in this new layout version, the code "015" must be used in the field 02-COD_VER of the Record 0000 - OPENING OF THE DIGITAL ARCHIVE AND IDENTIFICATION OF THE ENTITY.
For information, check the COTEPE/ICMS 44 Act of August 7, 2018:
New wording of art. 1 given by the Cotepe/ICMS Act 44/20, effective from 1.01.21
Article 1. It is hereby instituted the Orientation Manual of the Digital Bookkeeping - EFD ICMS IPI, as amended by the Technical Note EFD ICMS IPI No. 2020.001 v1. 0, published in the National Portal of the Public System of Digital Bookkeeping (SPED), which will have as a digital coding key the sequence "B655AA79E4E2C97D23B97353DD9B65F9", obtained with the application of the MD5 algorithm - "Message Digest 5", and made available at the CONFAZ website (
Single paragraph. The bookkeeping and validation rules of the Practical Guide to Digital Tax Bookkeeping - EFD ICMS/IPI, version 3.0.4, published in the National Portal of the Public Digital Bookkeeping System (SPED), which will have as digital coding key the sequence "78558F992C3A0E08561F2A3312234A10", obtained with the application of the algorithm MD5 - "Message Digest 5", must be observed.
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