Fit IN and Fit OUT - Electronic Tax Document Management

FOCUS IT has the ideal message for your business and especially for your SAP ERP, avoiding maintenance and licensing costs. With the high processing power, the solutions are 
consolidated and tested in our customer base operating in various segments.

Count on FIT OUT and solve the problem of performance in your billing, facilitating the daily lives of its users through the messaging of document issuance, which works optimally and with various 
features, adding value to the operational area, forwarding all the required documentation 
and attachments, as well as slips and quality certificates, and finally, 
completing your business process.

The FIT IN solution automatically searches for electronic documents issued to your companies' CNPJ and creates the official repository through official web services, relationship portals and/or 
electronic mailboxes. In addition, with FIT IN integrated with BALANCE FIT on receipt 
of your documents, you can avoid entry bookkeeping typing and gain in productivity 
by avoiding errors in these, either because of automation or differences in interpretation 
at the time of registration when It is done manually. It is also possible to perform 
the validation of the information before the operation takes place.

Fit OUT e Fit IN permitem:

High performance in the generation of documents and transmission of files in the channels made available by the competent agencies;

Increased flexibility to meet tax obligations, combined with your business requirements, through new parameterization possibilities and the creation of extra functionalities;

Flexibility and configuration, through various parameterizations, aiming at the use of contingency means;

Issuance of electronic invoices, using accelerators and native integration with SAP ERP, providing high performance in any volume of these and security in the invoicing process of your company, inserting ancillary documents such as slips, certificates and packing slip;

Issuance of electronic invoices of service, providing the modality in various means, aiming to meet a large number of formats and municipal standards;

Issuance of electronic transportation knowledge;

Integration with standard SAP ERP monitor (J1BNFE);

Easy to use for SAP ERP users, as it features the traditional presentation format of other standard SAP functionality, avoiding disruption and the need for an adaptation period;

Receipt of electronic tax documents with automatic and scheduled search on the websites of the competent agencies;

Possibility of receiving service invoices, by reading the PDF of the document and its digital transformation, since the municipalities do not have an electronic system;

Receipt of electronic transportation knowledge;

Issuance of manifest events and knowledge of the operation and its confirmation or refusal;

Providing a repository of validation results, intended to be used in analytical queries, to provide information for improvements in the receiving process and relationship with suppliers;

It also allows the billing, logistics and tax area to engage in more administrative functions that bring more quality to the process rather than operating mechanically in the manual typing and checking of electronic documents.
This FOCUS IT messaging replaces the others, including SAP GRC, lowering costs and increasing processing performance and gaining flexibility in parameterization.
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